Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Cooling off

In Perth, it was "too darned hot" so we came down to Mandurah for a couple of days (30 degrees instead of 36 degrees) with sea breezes into the bargain. Our small room at Seashells was a come down after the luxurious penthouse we enjoyed in January, but we got good rates after the long weekend holiday was over.

JL about to have a Woolworths microwave dinner with Skuttlebut wine on our balcony:

More scenes along the Mandurah foreshore:

At lunchtime we had a nice meal at Flics Kitchen: crab crocquetes and gnocchi in mushroom sauce. JL enjoyed a Gage Road summer ale, but I stuck to water as I was driving home afterwards. On the way back we drove past Point Peron, where E has just been to the Camp Schopl (now threatened with closure as part of the Education Department's cuts). It was very windy out on the point, but we observed an osprey fishing. It took off before I could get a photo. JL is standing on the observation platform where the osprey had been a moment ago:

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