Sunday, March 25, 2018

Later in Merida

Palm Sunday celebrations in Merida. I watched a procession being assembled at the cathedral, the crowds so big I couldn't get a good view. It started with a brass band playing mournful music, the penitents in red and white.

Outside the Parador. See the storks nest! My room is somewhere behind this nest!

View from my window. Two storks feed their babies all day long!

Lunch: deep fried slices of aubergine with honey. Who'd have thought?

Roman bridge into Merida. Span is 760 m and could accommodate a swell of up to 4 m.

Compliments to Parador for the fastest Wifi so far!


  1. I remember when they had a donkey for the Palm Sunday procession in Wymondham Abbey.

  2. OOOooOooOoH! Love the capes ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  3. Aubergines with honey. Never thought of it but will definitely do that when summer comes.
