Sunday, March 25, 2018


Merida is all about the Romans. It was known as Augusta Emerita in Roman times. I arrived in time to visit te amphitheater and the theatre before lunch. I took lots of photos. It remains to be seen how many will load while I drink a G&T in the Parador bar!

Inscription referring to Augustus, which dates the building to 1st Century. Behind the stone is the Magistrates' Box.

Theatre- much restored. All the statues are copies: originals in the museum.

Original stones in place along with restored parts.

In the Museum. It was huge- needs 2 days to see it all! The best collection of Roman artefacts I ever saw. There are 3 floors, but I only saw the first!

Beautiful mosaics

Roman earrings, gold, garnets and pearls 

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