Saturday, March 24, 2018


After breakfast, I left the lovely Hotel Becquer and walked the short distance to the bus station. I was carrying my backpack for the first time on this trip. In the hotel lobby I took advantage of some scales which said it weighed 8.4 kilos. I'd like to reduce that, but I don't know what to get rid of.

The bus to Zafra took 1 hour and 45 minutes and cost €6. It more or less followed the route of the Via de la Plata, and familiar Camino names flashed by. There were 2 stops at Monasterio and Fuentes de Cantos. The weather was sunny, but the cold wind whistling along the narrow streets of Zafra was something else!

My hotel, the Palacio Conde de la Corte is an old fashioned house with huge rooms, high ceilings and large radiators fighting to keep the place warm! I looked into the Parador for a drink at lunchtime. It is in the old Alcazar building. I was surprised to find that their Wifi wasn't working, so I didn't stay long.


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