Sunday, May 22, 2016


A wet afternoon in Espalion- very wet! What to do? Firstly a steak with pepper sauce in a warm and busy restaurant. Then, onto the Gite a la Halte St Jacques, which was not officially open till later, but those who were booked had their names on the bedroom doors and could enter! This meant I could have a siesta before the "mobulus" arrived. This is a room for 5, but only one other name is on the door. The room is quite spacious with its own en suite (compared to last night where the 6 beds were all occupied - including 2 men!)

Espalion in the rain 

Artists impression of Espalion on the wall of my room in the Gite.

The other occupant of my room has just walked in, a Frenchman, dripping wet!  He has walked for miles from Aumont Aubrac!!!

Some Fitbit Stats (unreliable as a source of mileage because of all the pottering around at stops)
17/5. 28,251
18/5. 27,981
19/5. 33,632
20/5. 19,140
21/5. 31,166
22/5. 13,570

I don't switch on the MMW ap as I want to save my phone battery for photos.

Today's expenses:
Coffee 2.50€
Lunchtime steak au poivre with red wine 22€
Demi pension at Gite a la Halte St Jaques 31€

The rain finally stopped after dinner, so I took the opportunity to get a few more photos of the River Lot.

The old bridge

The weir

Brass markers in the road for pilgrims to follow

Over the bridge

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