Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Saugues to Villaret

Saugues to Villaret


La Terrasse served an excellent breakfast with many more items on offer than is normal in France. I chose fruit salad and yoghurt followed by bread and smoked salmon, with a croissant and two mugs of coffee. I took a banana for later.

First stop was a quick visit to the Romanesque Church and the Tour des Anglaise in the square opposite. There is a photo in my album of Claire and two other pilgrims at the top of this tower, but of course everything was closed at 8.30 on a Sunday morning.

The rain has gone, but it is now several degrees colder. It was 8 degrees early this morning and forecast to be only 2 tonight! However the sun is out and there has been blue sky all day. At La Clauze tower, the remains of an early medieval fortification, there was an icy cold wind. On my last visit the group was sprawled on the grass in shorts and t-shirts.

I chatted to Alain a friendly and helpful Frenchman, who offered to call up the Gite des 2 Pelerins to confirm my booking. He had also booked there because everything further on was full. This Gite is a little too close to Sauges to be ideal for most people, but for me an 11.5 km day is just what I need after yesterday's marathon!

Tour des Anglais

Artists impression of Church.

Wild daffodils near the stream.

La Clauze Tower.

Lunch at the Fromagerie

My fromage: it will last me a few days!

There was quite a crowd of people having lunch: more like the atmosphere at every stop on the Spanish Camino. It was a very sheltered spot out of the wind and no-one was keen to move on. I knew that I had only 2 kms to go to Les 2 Pelerins, so I was quite relaxed.

This Gite is lovely. I have my own room and ensuite, and looking forward to a good dinner! Some people are sitting out in the sun, but it's so cold it feels like being at a ski resort.

Fitbit:  13,000 steps

Lunch at La Fromagerie 7.50€
Demi pension at Les 2 Pelerins 50€

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