Thursday, May 19, 2016

Finieyrols to Aubrac

Finieyrols to Aubrac

The weather has taken a turn for the worse "big time". Freezing cold, blowing a gale, raining all day. It's so changeable here.

Last night I was in the Gite Les Gentiannes and shared a room with two ladies from Oregon. I had seen them before on the trail because they have similar backpacks to mine, albeit in a smaller size. They are travelling really light!  There was a full house for dinner with sweet potato soup, roast beef with potatoes and ratatouille, followed by cheese then strawberry tart. While we were waiting for dinner, hailstones started falling and I had to rush out to get my towel and socks from the line.

This morning, no one felt like setting off in the rain, but I had 21 kms to do. The countryside was wild moorland, "The Aubrac", really good walking country in good weather, reminiscent of the Pennine Way or the Bronte Country. Today there were proper gates that I could open and close easily!

I stopped for a coffee at Montgros and then had lunch in Nasbinals. The restaurant we chose was quiet on arrival, but filled up rapidly on 2 floors, one floor with a gang of men who were repairing the road. In the basement there appeared to be the entire Primary School as well.

My lunch was a stuffed buckwheat pancake, which I think they had stuffed with all sorts of suspect leftovers! I am hoping for better fare this evening, where put chef Cyril Lerisse has been praised in one or two blogs that I've read.

This place "La Colonie" is an enormous mansion, full of antiques and oriental carpets. The bedrooms have a bath in the corner, behind a screen, in the old fashioned style! The other thing to note is that Aubrac is jam packed with mobile homes, a grey nomad's paradise. They are all here for the "Transhumance" a festival celebrating the transfer of cattle to the high pastures for the summer. Good luck to them in this weather!

Romanesque Church at Nasbinals.

Dinner at La Colonie was very good: a plate of charcuterie for which this area is famous, followed by a beef, lentil and carrot casserole, cheese, then poached pear with cake.

Today's expenses
Lunch at Nasbinals Route d'Argent 15.50€
Demi pension at La Colonie 69€

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