Sunday, May 22, 2016

St Chely to Espalion

The road followed the River Lot. The current was really strong and there were warning signs against getting swept away.

I was keen to visit the Romanesque Eglise de Perse, one of the jewels of this Chemin. The GR65 route wanted to take pilgrims on an uphill track, but I preferred to stay on the road and do a short detour at the Espalipn end. This worked a treat and prevented getting exhausted after yesterday's marathon. I spent half an hour looking round the church before a group of people from my Gite arrived, too tired to be bothered to climb up the hill to the Church.

A short time later I arrived in Espalion and found a cafe with strong wifi. What a delight to upload all my photos without competing with others for the signal!

(More info on the Eglise here)

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