Friday, May 13, 2016

Montbonnet to Monistrol

The way up and over the mountain after Montbonnet was in lowering cloud through the pinewoods. Various forms of lichen hung from the trees. The way was as always well signposted. Even I could not possibly get lost!

Coming down again to St Privat, the rain started and persisted all day. I stopped for a sandwich lunch and a tiny glass of red at L'Acrobate where there was a lovely heater going and strong wi-fi. The sandwich was massive, with prosciutto and gerkins, but I consumed it all to give me strength for the long and some say dangerous descent into Monistrol. The rain was heavier. I was keen to get out of the wet wood. "Drowned Rat" springs to mimd.

On entering Monistrol I was pretty tired and couldn't find Le Repose du Pelerin where I had a booking. The first place I saw was Le Pain du Sucre. I knew from my blog reading that the owner was English and a noted chef, so I went in and asked for a room. Nowhere is full because of the atrocious weather.

I enjoyed dinner with 3 ladies from Bendigo. The waiter was modelled on Manuel and provided a lot of merriment. The food was delicious: first course melon with charcuterie, followed by house made spaghetti with lamb and mushroom sauce and apple tart in the shape of a shell. Compliments to Peter the Chef!


Highest point at 1206 m.

Spring flowers enjoying the rain. Lots of birds singing and cuckoos calling.

Coming down to St Privat.

Old water mill.

St Privat in the rain.

Inside the Romanesque church at St Privat.

Enjoying dinner at Monistrol.

Patrick presents his apple tart.

Today's expenses
Lunch at St Privat 8.80€
Demi-pension at Pain du Sucre 80€

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