Saturday, May 14, 2016

Monistrol to Saugues

There was an incredibly long and arduous climb out of Monistrol. It took me about three hours to get to the top. It was either drizzling or raining hard and didn't let up at all. Everybody passed me as I took my time, some asking if I was OK because of my snails pace.

At the top I met the two French ladies from the Montbonnet Gite. They gave me some almonds. I said I really need a toilet.  They said en plein aire. I said the long wet grass was not good. Finally I found a dry spot behind a tree and also spied a lunch spot on some sawn off logs for a chair and table.

Looking back to Monistrol. The lowest and oldest bridge was built by Eiffel.

Lunch spot.

Path through the beech woods above Montrisol.

Dinner Menu

Veloute de legumes
Filet de volaille/aligot
Les fromages affinesd'Auvergne et du Gevaudan
Soupe de fraise/glacé verveine

Today's expenses
Coffee 2€
Beer 2€
Vin rouge 2€
Demi pension at Hotel la Terrasse 65€

Fitbit:26,259 steps
18 kms

Have now received 3 badges for 25,000 steps!

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