Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Estaing to Golinac

Eating to Golinhac

When I drew the curtains early this morning, there was a covering of low cloud even though the forecast was for a sunny day. I went for a coffee at a local bar and then purchased a "snail" with raisins from the boulangerie for breakfast: quick and delicious. I stood outside yesterday's restaurant to check my email.

The first 2 hours out of Estaing were more or less a climb, sometimes on a quiet country road and sometimes through a woodland path, some of it quite steep. When the sun finally broke through at 10.00 am, the most splendid views were revealed. You could see for miles! It turned into a beauteous spring day, such as you only get in Northern Europe, with birds singing and abundant wild flowers in the fields and hedgerows.

The 13 or 16 kms walk dragged on a bit without any refreshment stops. Eventually I sat down on the grass and consumed an avocado and some pieces of duck left over from last night's dinner.

My bedroom at the Auberge la Bastide in Golinhac

View from my window

Delicious onion soup for dinner

The Auberge in Golinhac proved to be one of the nicest places I've stayed at on this trip. With only 5 rooms and a very caring Madame, it's definitely a place to be recommended!

Dinner menu 
Onion soup
Green beans
Roast chicken with mashed potatoes
Baked apple

I enjoyed dinner with a couple from Adelaide travelling with Camino Ways: so nice to converse in English for a change!

Today's expenses
Coffee and "snail"  3.20€
Demi pension at La Bastide  81€

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