Sunday, May 29, 2016

More on Figeac

After lunch I went to see the Heritage Museum, a freebie depicting the history of the town. Not a word in English, so I had to study each section carefully to find out the gist of things. There was a lot on window styles through the ages, as these help to date buildings (though out on the street it is difficult to know what is original and what has been restored).

Poster about the exhibition


Earliest history 

Display about the invention of metal aircraft propellers

In Figeac there is also a Resistance Museum, but I could only look through the windows since it's closed on Sundays. Figeac was a centre for resistance to the Nazis; in one fell swoop 145 members of the Resistance were shipped off to Dachau.

Some other Figeac pics follow;

Half timbered house

Typical narrow street

View over the town from Church of Le Puy (closed this a.m. because everyone was at the other one)

More info from museum:

1309 F received right to produce coins

Merchants traded in:

Pepper, cardamom, swords of Toledo, camphor, indigo, sandalwood, woollen cloth, dried fish, ostrich feathers and ostrich eggs, cochineal.....

Weekends expenses
2 nights at Le Pont d'Or plus breakfasts 287€
Supermarket shopping for dinner on Sat and lunches (incl ready made couscous, avocado and half bottle of red) 13€
Museum entry 5€
Pizza on Sunday night, with wine, and Creme brûlée 21€

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