Thursday, May 26, 2022

Fonfria to Triacastela

Last night I had a long chat with the Senora via Google Translate. She and her husband had been farmers till they retired. This was cattle country, she said, and that’s what everyone did. Then they decided to do something different. Their son-in-law knew an architect in Coruna and he designed the hostel for them, one which was perfectly fitting for the locality, yet modern inside to the 9th degree. Just as it was finished COVID hit and tourism more or less closed down. Now lots of pilgrims are going through and they are getting back on their feet.

A perfect day dawned this morning: warm, sunny and a clear blue sky. Days like these are why we do the Camino (and they certainly make up for all the wet ones!)

A very contented family of cows.

I kept having to stop to admire the views and to take photos as the cloud in the valleys ahead slowly lifted:

Time for a coffee break:

And another one:

This was the first sighting of the traditional grain storage things, designed to prevent rats getting in.

Nearing Triacastela is a 100-year old chestnut tree…

… and a giant ad for the favourite local beer.

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