Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Logrono to Navarrete

Another cold day on the Camino! The Way leaves town by way of a wide tree-lined boulevard, with grass on either side and apartment blocks at the edge. Lots of space for exercise and dog-walking. When I was last here, it was a lovely day and lots of keep-fit Logrono ladies were returning from their early morning walk. Now, in poor weather, not so many. I also remember a small rose garden, planted with a special Santiago rose (too early in the season to be in flower today):

We passed by a really nice camping site in the midst of pinewoods. Nobody was camping and the squirrels had the place to themselves, scampering about up and down the trees. It was difficult to get them to pose for a photo:

Next we came to a large reservoir, with men fishing from the dam wall. They did not appear to be catching anything. This was because there was a small pond away from the main reservoir where all the big fish could escape to:

I remembered a nice cafe overlooking the water, where I hoped to enjoy a hot cup of coffee. Now it was all closed up, another victim of the pandemic perhaps. This is the view:

Fortunately there was a kiosk a little further along, where I bought a banana:

Almond tree laden with nuts.

Looking back towards Logrono and the reservoir.

These bulls advertising Veterano Osborne used to be everywhere in Spain where they could be seen from motorways. Now they are few and far between. This one stands high above a factory that produces pellets for wood-burning stoves out of scrap timber.

Winery just outside Navarrete.

1 comment:

  1. That pilgrim hospital reconstruction is interesting; I'll look into it.
