Sunday, May 29, 2022

Morgade to Gonzar via Portomarin

Knowledge is power and I’m beginning to think I know how to do the Camino now (with years of experience).

It was another misty morning as I set out.

The first stop was another Romanesque Church.

Near Ferreiros, I think.

This is a significant spot for those pilgrims interested in getting their Compostela in Santiago. I don’t remember it from before, but a Frenchman went to ask and was told that the Camino had been re-routed in these parts.

This little bird was not scared of me…

… nor was this rabbit.

The cows didn’t care one way or another!

More typical scenes today.
If you need to buy a shell, this is the place!

I stopped here for a drink and a rest.

The owners are a German woman and her Italian husband. The Italian father-in-law was also staying and doing some carpentry for them. The dog was flat out:

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