Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Molinaseca to Ponferrada

After a month on the road, as well as the perilous descent from the Cruz de Ferro, I’m in need of a couple of day’s rest and relaxation. I want to properly charge my batteries for the next section of the Camino. So my first thought this morning was to call a taxi from Molinaseca to Ponferrada. He came in less than 5 minutes and I was transported quickly to my hotel, the Bierzo Plaza, for €12.

View from my room in Casa del Reloj: the house opposite is on its last legs: little birds flit in and out under the roof.

The photo above is the Hotel Bierzo Plaza, quite an up-market place, where I have a tiny single room at the back. They let me check-in early, so I could sleep all day if I wanted to. But there are a few essential chores to be attended to, such as laundry. My socks haven’t been washed for a week and are threatening to walk away on their own!


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