Monday, May 23, 2022

Trabadelo to Las Herrerias

We had a jolly evening at Casa Susi’s. She cooked us a delicious meal: the starter was Greek salad and a mini quiche, followed by risoni and she even provided the recipe, in case we want to make it at home. Dessert  was pears in red wine, something I actually do make myself.

The meal ended with a little glass of Patxaran, a traditional Spanish liquor.

After that they sang the Camino song (in French for some reason!). There is a video on my Instagram.

Susi and Fermin grow most of their own vegetables: they have a very productive garden round the back:

On the road again, with quite a lot of cloud cover this morning, the trail was easy alongside the old road. A few beasts were spotted, like this huge cow munching on the long grass beside the river:

… and these geese who thought I had come to feed them:

Every hamlet has its own small church with the same style of bell tower.

The flyovers get higher. This is an amazing feat of engineering, to get a motorway over the mountain.

Flowers of the day:

Las Herrerias, where I’m staying tonight, is where you can hire a horse to take you up the steepest and most difficult part of the mountain. Pity the poor horses! I haven’t set eyes on them yet.

After a couple of hours of rain, it’s now turned into a beautiful evening. This is the view from my window:

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