Monday, May 9, 2022

Leon rest day

The Posada Regia has lost a bit of its charm since I was last here. It’s in need of restoration and seems to be struggling to attract clientele. But I got a good price for two nights so I can’t complain.

This morning at breakfast there was a little drama unfolding. A group of 4 British cyclists had left their luggage in the foyer for collection and it was picked up by the wrong driver. They had booked and paid for the entire trip so didn’t expect to have to pay any more. The man said they must pay him 5 Euros per bag, which they did, and off he went. They then worried that they had been scammed! Eventually it was sorted out and their luggage and their money was returned. It was a very nasty experience and I sympathised, as this is one of the worst things that could happen if you use a baggage transportation service. However, I’ve never come across it before!

Then it was time for me to visit the Cathedral. This is the only thing of importance to see on a Monday, when all museums are closed in Spain. The following pics (and there are many) are taken inside and are mainly of the stained glass, for which it is most famous:

The rose window facing west.

Side windows on the right as you approach the altar.

This cathedral is all about the stained glass and there is a really informative audio commentary which can be downloaded onto your phone via a QR code - once you have figured out the technology. So everyone was walking around with their phones glued to their ears listening to their own language - though I think the Koreans were disappointed!

Tomb of the founding bishop who oversaw the initial construction.

An unusual depiction of a heavily pregnant Virgin Mary.

Cloister: I was getting tired by this time!

A depiction of the arms of Castile and Leon, which appears everywhere now. (Castles and Lion).  I first saw it on the back of chairs on my first visit to Burgos years ago.

Time for a coffee which came for a custard roll.

Today is the Day of Europe, so there was a big demo outside the cathedral. It began with the playing of Deutschland Uber Alles,  which I had always known as the German national anthem, but apparently it’s also the European anthem as well.

Next I thought I’d walk down to the Parador, which was closed on my last visit to Leon. Now it has been modernised inside and there is an unusual work of art on the ceiling: open to interpretation, said the barmaid!

I was pleasantly surprised that their wi-fi system knew me from before, and there was a really strong, fast service; so I sat in their garden terrace to write my blog for an hour:


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