Wednesday, May 25, 2022

O’Cebreiro to Fonfria

Last night was pretty cold and miserable as the low cloud descended over the little town and stayed there. I ventured out only as far as the church, which was a bit warmer inside because of all the candles lit by pilgrims:

This is what the rest of the place looked like!

Inside Casa Anton was a welcoming fire and I enjoyed a plate of octopus and a glass of red:

I sat warming my feet for a long time: just what was needed on a cold night.

Next morning, the Casa Anton staff were having the day off, so breakfast was in the hotel. It was a bit of a mad house getting served. There was a Danish TV crew doing interviews in the middle of it all. I took a photo of the cameraman with his heavy equipment as he was trying to get some shots in the street outside:

I don’t suppose he could walk very far carrying all that gear.

BTW there is a permanent webcam set up near the albergue as you leave town. Google O’Cebreiro webcam and you will find it (remember to do it in daylight!)

Lots of wildflowers today as the cloud lifted and the sun started to break through.

Interesting buildings en route:

The high spot is the Alto de San Roque, with its famous statue of a pilgrim leaning into the prevailing west wind:

No wind today, though!

Perfect conditions for pilgrims, with amazing views in all directions:

Finally, here are two pics specially for this blog’s most dedicated follower:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Margaret. What an old loom. Two harness, cotton heddles.
