Saturday, May 14, 2022

Santa Catalina to Rabanal

I left early today (around 7.30 am) to try and beat the crowds: but at my pace I couldn’t stay ahead for too long. Just outside the village, I saw this man selling hiking poles. I was walking on the road, which was easier than the stony pilgrims path. He told me that was dangerous and the Civil Guard patrolled that section all day long. Sure enough, I saw at least three of their cars coming and going.

The only village on today’s route was El Ganso, with its famous Cowboy Bar:

It’s almost compulsory to have your photo taken here. The little village seems to have expanded somewhat and now has more than one albergue, a cafeteria and a shop. I ordered scrambled egg and fresh orange juice for a second breakfast.

Then it was all about the wildflowers:

A beautiful clump of European orchids; they are always purple here.

Tiny yellow flowers with black centres.

Nearing Rabanal, the Camino goes through an oak wood, not yet coming into leaf:

A few bluebells struggling through.

Gamoneta. (I asked a Spanish family for the name).

A new bar and albergue at the entrance to Rabanal.

A great crowd attempting to order food and drinks at my accommodation : Nuestra Senora del Pilar. This was apparently the first albergue in Rabanal. It had just started raining: I got there just in time!

My room is upstairs in this very traditional house. No ensuite bathroom, but a really friendly and hard working Senora. Word has got around as it’s doing such good business.

I decided to have dinner somewhere else, at a proper restaurant, Hosteria El Refugio:

Veg soup w. croutons.

Cod gratin w garlic, paprika mayonnaise and roasted veggies. Followed by the ubiquitous flan:

A memorable evening meal!

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