Monday, April 29, 2024

Alcazaba and Picasso

I had to postpone my visit to the Alcazaba yesterday because of a sudden shower of rain. I didn’t want to risk getting my cashmere sweater wet. So I came back to the hotel and downloaded an e-book (The Last Devil to Die).

Another day and bright sunshine appeared. The Alcazaba was built on top of the Roman settlement and the excavations can be seen from above:

Then it’s a slow climb upwards:

There were plenty of views down towards the harbour:

The gardens were lovely:

I didn’t climb to the top as I came to a shaded cafeteria and was tempted to have a beer after all the climbing:

A squirrel ran across the path as I was sitting there:

And now to Picasso:
I had made an online booking for a slot between 3.00 and 5.15 pm. As I got near the museum, it came onto rain again (just like yesterday). However, today was much worse. Thunder and lightning and a real tropical downpour. Plus, the queue was really, really long - even with pre-booked tickets:

The rain was soon flowing down the narrow street and people were getting soaked. Some sent their partners off to buy an umbrella for €5. I managed to squeeze under the awning of a cafe, but I was soon shivering with only a blouse on. I sat there for an hour, waiting for it to stop - wondering if it was all worth it, but I had paid €11 so I stuck it out!

Photos from inside follow:

Probably best seen on a laptop not a mobile!

Finally, a shot of the museum’s courtyard:

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Sailing Away

The Pompidou Centre is situated in the fashionable dock lands area of Muelle Uno, where crowds stroll around, admiring the yachts or purchasing stuff from stalls. I came to a catamaran trip that was departing in 10 minutes, so why not? I was assured that the sea was perfectly calm this morning:


Not under sail today.

Two cruise ships docked.

One of them an e-ship.

A container ship being unloaded. Three huge cranes were working, picking up one container at a time, very very slowly and depositing it on the docks.

The Alcazaba: it’s next on the list!

Out and About in Malaga

So much to see and so little time! 

First was the Gibralfaro Castle. I took Bus No.35 on the advice of the hotel receptionist, who laughed at the idea of walking up. It was quite a way! The pine woods at the top of the hill smelled lovely after all the rain. The cafeteria of the Parador looked tempting: I ordered a slice of chocolate cake and some coffee, as a little reward for getting there.

View from the top: I am staying near the bull ring on the right of the picture.

Entrance to the Parador.

Model of the castle, showing its relationship to the bull ring below.

Part of the defensive walls.

One of several models of soldiers defending the castle at various stages of its history.

Plan of the castle.

Dinner down below: stir fried veggies and prawns.

Sunday morning 
I’m within walking distance of the Pompidou Centre, so I set off to see the “cube”:

Some examples of artworks from inside:

Made from detritus found on the beach.

…and some of the texts:

Slate from a Cornish mine.

Maybe that’s enough art for the time being!