Friday, April 19, 2024

Jerez Cathedral and Castle

The Cathedral is almost entirely Baroque and not to my taste at all:

I didn’t spend long inside, even though entry came with a free audio guide. Only a stone’s throw away was the castle, which was much more interesting:

There were plenty of information boards in both Spanish and English:

Olive Press

The gardens were lovely and well looked after. Oranges were literally dropping off the trees!

Water was a precious resource and the design incorporated wells and cisterns, which could enable the inhabitants to survive a siege.

This is the heating system ( similar to the Roman design ) which provided hot water and steam for the baths.

Inside the baths.

Peacocks wandered around the courtyard having their photo taken. I managed to take one male and two females.

Then it was time for a light lunch of fried eggplant:

1 comment:

  1. I agree, Baroque is a bit heavy handed. Nice tour of the castle with oranges and other amenites.
