Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The most southerly point

I got on a bus near the Rock Hotel which was heading for Point Europa. I sat next to a local woman who has lived here for 50 years. She was planning to walk back into town. She is retired but her husband is still working and has a job cleaning all the bus shelters. It was a lovely clear day and you could see both Algeciras and Morocco from the Point.

After a little siesta, I went on a bus ride in the opposite direction. Of course, the Golden Arches have a presence here:

But I had my eye on another place for dinner. The Tramonti Ristorante in Casemates Square, nearer my home, is a little piece of Italy:

Here I enjoyed Tagliatelle Siciliana, with prawns, garlic and chilli and two glasses of white wine.

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