Saturday, April 20, 2024

Jerez to Algeciras

The weather has cooled off a lot. Temperatures in the low 20’s are much better for sightseeing. Before leaving Jerez, a few words about my hotel: Casa Grande. Last year, they revamped the inside and made 30 rooms instead of 15. The new rooms are small and without charm, though everything works and the plumbing is excellent. On the TV, there is every channel imaginable, so I spent a lot of time watching Sky News and the BBC.

The pretty interior courtyard.

The roof terrace ( no water in the small pool).

Downstairs lounge.

Just down the street is where I had breakfast every day: fresh orange juice, croissant and coffee.

The bus to Algeciras was supposed to leave at 10.30 but it took 20 mins to load. The ticket office was closed, so we had to pay the driver who couldn’t take credit cards and was not happy to take €50 and give me change.

The journey took 1.5 hours and was an enjoyable ride, especially as I jagged a front seat:

Brief stop at Alcala.

Approaching the docks at Algeciras. The rock of Gibraltar had been visible in the distance.

A taxi drew up (a Prius) so I told the driver I had one at home. He was happy to take me to the Hotel Reina Cristina, an old but charming hotel on a hill with a view over the port. Thanks, Michael Portillo, for the recommendation on one of his programmes!

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