Monday, April 29, 2024

Alcazaba and Picasso

I had to postpone my visit to the Alcazaba yesterday because of a sudden shower of rain. I didn’t want to risk getting my cashmere sweater wet. So I came back to the hotel and downloaded an e-book (The Last Devil to Die).

Another day and bright sunshine appeared. The Alcazaba was built on top of the Roman settlement and the excavations can be seen from above:

Then it’s a slow climb upwards:

There were plenty of views down towards the harbour:

The gardens were lovely:

I didn’t climb to the top as I came to a shaded cafeteria and was tempted to have a beer after all the climbing:

A squirrel ran across the path as I was sitting there:

And now to Picasso:
I had made an online booking for a slot between 3.00 and 5.15 pm. As I got near the museum, it came onto rain again (just like yesterday). However, today was much worse. Thunder and lightning and a real tropical downpour. Plus, the queue was really, really long - even with pre-booked tickets:

The rain was soon flowing down the narrow street and people were getting soaked. Some sent their partners off to buy an umbrella for €5. I managed to squeeze under the awning of a cafe, but I was soon shivering with only a blouse on. I sat there for an hour, waiting for it to stop - wondering if it was all worth it, but I had paid €11 so I stuck it out!

Photos from inside follow:

Probably best seen on a laptop not a mobile!

Finally, a shot of the museum’s courtyard:


  1. I'm pleased you stuck it out for Picasso.

  2. Yes, it was totally worth it! No pain, no gain?
