Monday, April 8, 2024

Rocky Bay bushwalk

The start was opposite this old factory, now converted into apartments:

There had been several factories in this area originally, but now it is prime real estate with some of the best river views in Perth.

I arrived at 8.00 am, thinking that was the start time. No-one was there! Had I got the time wrong, or the place wrong? I set off anyway, thinking I would meet the rest of the group at some point along the track. It was getting warm, with only a slight breeze off the water.

I remembered this tree from last year, but it has now finished flowering with all the hot weather:

This walk, going to Chidley Point, was at its best and there were many photogenic spots:

You can just make out the red brick factory in the distance.

The rest of the group caught up with me at morning tea time. They had set off half an hour later! 

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