Thursday, April 11, 2024

Cordoba’s Jewish Quarter

When I last visited Cordoba, I stayed in the up-market Hotel Amistad on the edge of the Jewish Quarter. This morning I made a little pilgrimage to this area of town. There is a walking trail marked by brass signs set in the pavement:

There is a statue of Maimonides, a 12th century Jewish philosopher:

Further along the narrow street is the old Synagogue, which was previously closed for renovation. It was surprisingly small:

This is one of the walls in a square, where the original carvings have been preserved.

I was intrigued by this artisan shop, especially the gourds made into lamps, but I’m in no position to buy anything like that:

Then I came to the Chapel of St Bartholomew, with its elaborate decorated tiles:

By this time, it was getting hotter and I was a long way from home. The narrow streets are difficult to negotiate, especially with sun in your eyes. Cars seem to race along them, with hardly enough space to move between buildings:

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