Saturday, April 13, 2024


Perhaps the main attraction in Carmona is the Roman necropolis. This is a HUGE burial ground on the outskirts of town. I set off on foot to walk the 1 km and arrived at the same time as two coach parties. I tried to avoid them as we went round the site. It must be the biggest archaeological site I’ve ever seen, with tombs of various sizes, some that are way below ground level. There were numerous information plaques, in both Spanish and English, which elaborated on the variety of funerary customs from burial to cremation.

One of the most interesting areas was the family tomb of the Sevilia Family, which is accessed via some steep steps, but is probably better observed from above:


  1. I love archeological digs. I've even helped in one, in my younger, more nimble days.

  2. My husband was an archaeologist. We met on a dig. Google Allen Butterworth.
