Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Cacabelos to Villafranca cont’d

Going up the hill, I soon started to pass cherry orchards. Some were definitely not ripe yet:

… but it looked like being a bumper crop this year. Later, I saw an elderly couple busy picking from their trees in a more sheltered spot.

Then, more vineyards on all sides, with the hedgerows full of wild roses and honeysuckle:

This is a favourite shot for everyone passing by. It’s in the guidebook and at the top of my blog. It’s called The House of the Pines;

More info about wine production in this area:

Approaching Villafranca, the first thing is the Municipal Albergue on the right. It’s below the road:

Then, on the left, is the Romanesque Church of Santiago:

Medieval pilgrims could get a Compostela if they were too sick to continue to Santiago itself.

Finally, I was in Villafranca. I made my way to the Plaza Mayor and enjoyed a beer and a tapa at an outdoor cafe until my hotel opened at 1.00 pm.

I was given the same room as last year, with its view of the Church:

In the evening, it was back to the same outdoor cafe for melon and ham followed by:

The best day!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like a very good day for food, but no Compostela.
