Saturday, May 27, 2023

El Greco

This morning I wanted to visit the El Greco Museum before the crowds, so that I could enjoy it in peace. It opened at 9.30 am and I was about 30 minutes walk away. Toledo is built on a hill, in a defensive position surrounded by a bend in the River Tagus. But inside the old town, nothing is flat: you are either climbing or descending a hill. Luckily I am *relatively* fit from the Camino, but even so…

I arrived at the El Greco House and was happy to get free entry again because of my age. 

Entry is through the garden, and it’s a beautiful garden.

This is the interior courtyard.

One of the books from El Greco’s library.

The Museum is actually a recreation of a sixteenth century Toledo house from the period of El Greco, and only the wine cellars in the basement date from his residence. Unfortunately these cellars are closed because the flooring is considered unsafe. There is lots to see upstairs, though.

Household objects.

Tears of Saint Peter 

Picasso’s visit to the El Greco House.

View through a window into the kitchen.

Section of the garden planted entirely with aromatic plants, looking upwards to the central tower. 

The roses and star jasmine are particularly good at this time of year. It was recommended to sit in the garden and take a rest, which is what I did before setting off back to the Posada de Manolo.

1 comment:

  1. In the display of household objects I see a spinning wheel and a little stool with cut outs on top to make it easier to pick up and move. Clever.
