Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Toledo to Cuenca

By bus.

The bus left at 4.15 pm, so I had plenty of time to kill in Toledo (and most Spanish museums close on Mondays). By accident, I found myself in the MAIN SHOPPING STREET! This goes from the Cathedral exit known as the door of the clock and leads up to Zocodover Square.

I enjoyed a couple of hours window shopping, almost avoiding all temptation. There were some very stylish dress shops! But everything has to be carried.

Cork shop (i.e. bags made from )

More medieval weaponry

The square was buzzing with people and tour guides:

This is as far as I went.

On the way back, I came across a specialist ham shop. For some time I had been wanting to try some Bellota Ham from the black pigs fed on acorns, to see how it compares with the common or garden stuff. It is indeed delicious and easier to eat because it is much less chewy. I imagine it has been air dried for longer than the normal cheaper jamon. I treated myself to a sandwich, generously laden with Bellota, which cost €9. Now I know! I had the sandwich for lunch and finished it off on the bus in the afternoon.

As I was one of the last to board the bus, I snagged the front seat, reserved for pregnant/elderly passengers, so I had a two-hour scenic drive through the parched Spanish landscape south of Madrid. This was spoiled to some extent by the loud pop music played by the driver (perhaps to keep himself awake on the long straight road).

When I arrived at the Posada de San Jose, I was given a room with a view to die for. Across the gorge was the Parador. I decided to pop over there for a G and T before doing anything else!

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