Sunday, May 7, 2023

Mansilla to Leon

By bus:

The bus was over 5 minutes late and people assembled at the bus station were getting a bit worried. Sunday morning, was there really a bus? Yes, there was and we sped along the motorway with glimpses of pilgrims on foot to our left.

Arriving in Leon , the streets were quiet (and cold) at that hour of the morning. I knew my way around from previous visits and made for the Cathedral, looking for somewhere to have breakfast on the way. This was a welcoming cafe opposite the Casa Botines, a Gaudi house:

Gaudi is sitting here, with the cafe behind him.

Fortified by a cafe con leche and a croissant, it was time for some sightseeing, as I knew it would be far too early to check in to my accommodation. It was great to see the Cathedral before the crowds got there. We were able to download a commentary onto our phone and do the tour at our leisure:

Of course, Leon is one of the great Gothic Cathedrals of Europe, and well known for its beautiful stained glass windows:

My iPhone camera can’t do them justice.

Tomb of the bishop responsible for overseeing the architectural design of the Cathedral.

The carved wooden choir stalls depict biblical figures:

A pregnant Virgin Mary in one of the chapels behind the altar.

An alabaster sculpture of the birth of Jesus. The baby is in the foreground, with Mary lying down and being attended to at the top.

After that, I needed another coffee and a sit down. I chose a place in the sun and observed a Spanish greyhound (Galgo) nearby. I dug out a photo of Rocky to start up a conversation with its owner. These dogs are used for hunting in Spain, not racing, but often they are abandoned when their hunting days are over.

By this time, the streets had become absolutely packed with visitors. At about 1.45pm, I thought it was worth trying to check in to the Posada Regia and looked forward to escaping the crowds. I found I had been assigned an attic room on the third floor. It was lovely and warm with the sun coming through a skylight. (OK today but a bit too hot in the middle of summer). Jacotrans didn’t deliver my bag till after 4.00 pm - they really must be under pressure at the moment. However, I was able to have a nice long siesta in the meantime.

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