Monday, May 8, 2023

Leon to Mazarife

Bus to Virgen del Camino, then walk to Mazarife (14 km walk).

This is the alternative route: the peace and quiet of the open countryside was so nice after the frenzy that was Leon.

I stopped for a glass of fresh orange juice in Fresno and saw the red Jacotrans van whizzing past. Shortly afterwards I was overtaken by Didier and Henri, who are now readers of my blog!

Country road.

Forrest of thistles.

Oncina looked like a nice place to stop for a break, but I pressed on up the hill.

Wild stretches of moorland, full of gorse bushes.

Lots of wild flowers by the road side, as well as huge clumps of poppies. Too many to identify, as well as whole fields of tiny white flowers (just like our own wildflower season in W.A.)

As the day grew hotter and the road never ending, various parts of my body started telling me I am getting too old for this Camino lark. My guide book (and signs on the road) promised a bar at Chozas de Abajo. When we got there, it was closed. Maybe Monday is their rest day. All that was on offer was this water fountain and some seats in the shade:

I was joined by an Austrian lady from Salzburg, who told me she used to skate on the lake there, but it hadn’t frozen over for the last ten years. Global warming!

Finally, Mazarife came into view and my accommodation at Albergue Don Antonio de Padua. Looks like a good spot with tables and chairs set out on the grass; private rooms downstairs.


  1. Take care Margaret on the Camino !🙂 Tonight we are in Mazarife too. We stay at the Jesus Albergue . See ya !

  2. Oh sorry !
    The former comment is from Didier and Henri !

  3. So nice to see you both today!
