Saturday, May 6, 2023

El Burgo Ranero to Mansilla

Walk to Reliegos, then taxi to Mansilla.

Another lovely Camino day! I’ve been so lucky with the weather this year. Leaving town we soon hit the Senda, where the trees have been yarn bombed with crochet squares this time:

It was a long straight walk with nothing much to report for 13 kms, except tired legs. The Irish girls were joined with more ladies in their green t-shirts: members of a walking club from Galway. One of them stripped off and had a quick swim in an irrigation canal! She said it was a bit fresh, but she swims every day in Galway.

On the outskirts of Reliegos, I stopped for a (well deserved) shandy. After that it was time to call a taxi. I’d walked far enough today. The car arrived in 10 minutes and charged me a modest 7 Euros. He actually lived in Mansilla and dropped me outside my lodging:

The House of Soportales = Supports.

The establishment is owned by the same people as the Albergue, where all the meals are served.

At dinner I sat next to 2 Frenchman, one of whom spoke perfect English. He would not let me pour my own wine: it’s the tradition in France. We all agreed the food is better in France. The Spanish Albergue meals are getting a bit boring and repetitive.


  1. It was Nice to share that dinner with you Margaret. We hope you a nice Camino and a Nice trip on Spain. Didier and Henri

  2. Bonsoir, Didier and Henri.
    Another lovely day, Margaret, albeit a middling dinner meal.
