Saturday, May 20, 2023

Las Herrerias to Linares 11.3 km

Today was a serious climb, but I made it! I had thought about taking the option of a horse ride up to O’Cebreiro, but when I found out the price I went off the idea. €50 was over the top, I thought. When I first came this way, it was only €20.

I left early with no breakfast (intermediate fasting!), knowing there was this really nice cafe at La Faba:

I enjoyed a glass of fresh orange juice, a coffee and a chocolate croissant. People were sitting outside in the sun across the road:

La Faba was where I started my very first Camino years ago. We were dropped off here by our little bus and the group walked up to O’Cebreiro in the evening sun. Thank you, Fresco Tours!

This is the Albergue at La Faba which burnt down. Last year it was in blackened ruins and this year it’s being rebuilt.

At last , I came to the border with Galicia:

When I reached O’Cebreiro, it was absolutely buzzing with people, including all those from two tour buses at least. The main thought on my mind was finding somewhere for lunch, and somewhere not on the main street. This I did and I was soon sitting down to hot soup and croquettes:

It was pretty cold when I stepped outside the door, but I had another hour’s walk to Linares. But the Camino soon went into a sheltered woodland path that was mostly, but not entirely, downhill. 

Flower of the day: Dandelion Clocks.

Got to Linares and soon had my washing on the line:

Mine is the tasteful lavender ensemble on the right.

1 comment:

  1. You saved me from remarking I have a red T, just like the one on the line. Pass on the blue slacks. I wear jeans and cords.
