Tuesday, May 30, 2023


Cuenca is best known for its Hanging Houses (Casas Colgatas) whose balconies protrude perilously out from the rock over the gorge:

I realised later that my hotel, the Posada de San Jose is one of them, though only the garden protrudes:

The Posada is the pale grey building below the church.

The Posada itself is quite an old building, originally built as a home for the choir boys so that they could live close to the Cathedral and not be late for Mass. My room has a lovely French window onto the tiny balcony, where it’s pleasant to sit looking out onto the gorge. There are some nice touches, like this door hanging of traditional embroidered cut work:

My first port of call this morning was the Cathedral, just down the street:

It is of course a Gothic building, though much of the stained glass seems to be modern:

There is a lot of local Cuenca marble used in the side chapels.

One of several cupboards in the sacristy where the ecclesiastical robes were kept. Each one has a different carved door; this one depicts the Annunciation.

An ancient burial set into the floor and covered in glass.

The old clock mechanism.

Going outside, overlooking the gorge, it was nice to warm up in the sun for a while:

Top left are the roofs of houses way below in the bottom of the gorge.

A lovely solitary tree in a protected spot.

Another view of the Hanging Houses from inside the Cathedral.

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